
Three Ways to Tackle a Negative Review

6th Apr 2022

Three Ways to Tackle a Negative Review
Don't ignore it-a negative review, just sitting on your Google or FB page without response looks bad. Don't pretend it didn't happen, acknowledge it. Thank the reviewer and if there's no further fee … read more

Easy Wins with Salon Retail

23rd Mar 2022

Easy Wins with Salon Retail
Your customers might not want to be sold to but everyone loves to shop. Creating a salon environment that showcases opportunities to buy is top of the list when it comes to building a positive retail … read more

Free Yourself from Fatigue!

21st Feb 2022

Free Yourself from Fatigue!
Check-in with your mental wellbeingThe Mental Health Foundation advises that good habits can support your sense of mental wellbeing. Turn off your phone app notifications to prevent the niggling stres … read more

How to Choose the Right Scissors

7th Feb 2022

How to Choose the Right Scissors
ComfortRSI and carpal tunnel syndrome are career killers, so look for scissors that minimise strain and feel "right" in your hand.Handle design makes a huge difference! You can choose from level handl … read more